During an interview clip on Tuesday, Hoda Kotb, the co-host of the Today show, surprised Janet El Khatib with a surprise of a lifetime.

It is easy to see how a mother like El Khatib would plan a holiday for her grown children that is both leisurely and enjoyable.

In an email filled with suggestions for activities and delicious meals, her son Khalid El Khatib tweeted her itinerary.

I just received my mom's annual 'home for the holidays' email, he wrote in a tweet last week.

They were offered snacks like "puffed popcorn, Chex mix, and various candies" upon arrival, as well as activities from restaurants to breweries to manicures.

It was an unexpected and heartwarming reaction, causing Kotb and her co-hosts to laugh out loud. "Wait, I'm going to have a heart attack," Janet said as she processed the situation.

In a subsequent interview with Kotb, Janet explained why she had created such detailed holiday plans.