A swift takedown of the loopers' most recent island proved that the philosophical threats were real in Chapter 3. If you missed it don’t worry keep reading..

A cinematic kicked off Fortnite Chapter 3 finale. A resistance group has taken up arms at the top of the Reality Tree as the Chrome spreads.

The situation briefly appeared hopeful, as a bevy of rockets splattered pieces of the mysterious villain into chrome shreds.

Upon merging into the Chrome tidal wave, however, she quickly undid that feeling of hopefulness as a gigantic version of herself re-formed before her eyes.

It was not long before the island was ravaged, and the heroes were chromified as victims of her relentless march.

It seemed that The Herald had already won the game before players even had a chance to assist. That's was lame.

The Incredible Doomslayer, Geralt of Rivia, and Hulk all appear in the final moments of Chapter 4.