An outpouring of shock and grief has erupted throughout the sports world following the death of prominent American journalist Grant Wahl in Qatar.

According to Qatar’s World Cup organizers, Wahl “fell ill,” receiving “immediate medical treatment on site

As a result, the Supreme Court Committee for Delivery and Legacy, which is the body responsible for organizing the tournament, then transferred to Hamad General Hospital for further treatment.

US Soccer family members are heartbroken to hear that Grant Wahl passed away unexpectedly,” US Soccer wrote on its official Twitter account in a statement confirming the tragic news.

It expressed condolences to Wahl's family and praised his passion for the game and belief in its power to advance human rights.

I am in complete shock," said Grant Wahl's wife. "I am grateful for the support of my soccer family and friends."

Ned Price, the spokesperson for the State Department, stated in an interview with the New York Times that the State Department was in close communication with Wahl's family.

Prior to his death on December 6, he had reported feeling ill in an episode of the podcast Futbol with Grant Wahl.

As a result of Wahl's practice of reporting alongside other journalists over the years, several journalists have shared their experiences of reporting alongside Wahl at several World Cups.

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